This morning I added lessons and activities to the calendar. I added homework assignments that covered topics I needed to include but hadn't done a rubric on. I also added some web links for those assignments. I reviewed the big ideas I wanted to cover and was able to add when I needed or check them off as already covered.
Final Reflection:
This was an intense assignment with a wonderful pay-off. I have a project for the kids to complete designed, manageable and ready to inact.
There were many incremental steps involved. If you take one at a time, the project can be manageable and thoughtful. Each step involves attention and hard work. I had done many technological skills in Professor Jablonski's Ed. Tech class but it was a condensed, rapid fire time frame. The skills were not cemented in my brain. Doing some of the skills again, like loading a document or power point to be published on the web or making links or embedding, really makes me feel like I can do this task again and again independently.
I really enjoyed designing the project and watching it grow. Now all the little pieces are in place though others will be added as deemed necessary. It is ready to begin though.
When my kids start the project, their assignments are already listed. The grading criteria is there for parents and students to view. I will also have lesson plans for 5 weeks, a bonus.
Some of the technology I enjoyed learning about the most included the rubric maker, the educational web site itself and the screencasting. I think my students will enjoy this unit, think creatively, use technology and communicate with eachother. Those are my goals and I can see them happening.
This was all extremely useful and worthwhile, though not simple.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
finishing touches
This weekend I uploaded the photoalbum under class pictures. I had done everything but upload it apparently.
Today I went through each section to see what needed work. I had to redo my powerpoint link again.
I began adding a bunch of links. Some are video tutorials, some are websites. It made me think of the the things I haven't covered, including the temperature changes in the area where the restaurant will be located, and choosing a site. I was going to include google earth but our district blocks access to that.
I also have some a link for a balance sheet for integer adding and subtracting as well as tutorial. I included a website about volume of a rectangular prism for finding out how much they will have to cool and heat a room. This way they can decide on the type of system to get for their restaurant.
I fixed some descriptions in the useful links area.
Still more to do, like the reflection.
Today I went through each section to see what needed work. I had to redo my powerpoint link again.
I began adding a bunch of links. Some are video tutorials, some are websites. It made me think of the the things I haven't covered, including the temperature changes in the area where the restaurant will be located, and choosing a site. I was going to include google earth but our district blocks access to that.
I also have some a link for a balance sheet for integer adding and subtracting as well as tutorial. I included a website about volume of a rectangular prism for finding out how much they will have to cool and heat a room. This way they can decide on the type of system to get for their restaurant.
I fixed some descriptions in the useful links area.
Still more to do, like the reflection.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
OK I made a screencasting of making a survey with surveymonkey through Camtasia I scripted, and edited, and produced this file. I signed up for to share the file and then put the file in my website and the pBL site links.
What a process! It was really cool when I was done though. Adding the arrows or starbursts was neat, as well as cutting out unneeded pauses or mistakes. I was impressed with the sound quality from my computer.
OK I made a screencasting of making a survey with surveymonkey through Camtasia I scripted, and edited, and produced this file. I signed up for to share the file and then put the file in my website and the pBL site links.
What a process! It was really cool when I was done though. Adding the arrows or starbursts was neat, as well as cutting out unneeded pauses or mistakes. I was impressed with the sound quality from my computer.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
screencast NetVibes
This morning a scanned through the last few chapters. The part on assessment made me pleased with my rubrics but I do want to double check that I am assessing all the big ideas I professed I wanted students to take away from this unit.
I read a little more closely the section in Chapter 6 on screencasting. I went to the site. It did not exist in that link but if you searched the site, which it does take you to, the description of Netvibes comes up, which looks like a great way to have students access your stuff and add their own.
I then went to the Jon Udell blog site and it sounded very different from what we did in class. So I went to the bmyers blog and that one also talked about Camtasia. So knowing Dr. Jablonski I figured he wants me to learn something new with this and I better download Camtasia. I did this.
Then I thought I better plan out what I wanted to screencast with survey monkey.
So I am off to do that.
OK I am downloading my Camtasia. I wrote up my script for screencasting Survey Monkey.
We will see if I get it done today.
I read a little more closely the section in Chapter 6 on screencasting. I went to the site. It did not exist in that link but if you searched the site, which it does take you to, the description of Netvibes comes up, which looks like a great way to have students access your stuff and add their own.
I then went to the Jon Udell blog site and it sounded very different from what we did in class. So I went to the bmyers blog and that one also talked about Camtasia. So knowing Dr. Jablonski I figured he wants me to learn something new with this and I better download Camtasia. I did this.
Then I thought I better plan out what I wanted to screencast with survey monkey.
So I am off to do that.
OK I am downloading my Camtasia. I wrote up my script for screencasting Survey Monkey.
We will see if I get it done today.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
So first I went to Monkey Survey and figured out how to collect my data. You sign in and go to analyze results. You can only look at basic things with the free subscription. I put that link in my PBL site in Links.
Then I went to Flat Classroom. I read about the project and looked up their rubrics. They are really related to creating Wiki pages but they got me in the mood for rubrics.
So then I typed in rubric generator and Rubistar came up. It is a great site. They have much previously generated ideas that work for a lot of assignments. So I created rubrics for scale drawing, spreadsheet, menu, survey/graph, restaurant sign and the presentation. I had to make up some things that I wanted to include but it was pretty smooth.
My one gripe with this site is that you often have to refresh a page when going from one page to another. But as long as I warn students that will be fine. I put links to all of these in my PBL site under forms and docs. I really like storing my necessary documents on the web rather than my personal computer because then you can access it from anywhere.
I also added a link in my webpage to my rubistar page.
So there went Sunday.
Then I went to Flat Classroom. I read about the project and looked up their rubrics. They are really related to creating Wiki pages but they got me in the mood for rubrics.
So then I typed in rubric generator and Rubistar came up. It is a great site. They have much previously generated ideas that work for a lot of assignments. So I created rubrics for scale drawing, spreadsheet, menu, survey/graph, restaurant sign and the presentation. I had to make up some things that I wanted to include but it was pretty smooth.
My one gripe with this site is that you often have to refresh a page when going from one page to another. But as long as I warn students that will be fine. I put links to all of these in my PBL site under forms and docs. I really like storing my necessary documents on the web rather than my personal computer because then you can access it from anywhere.
I also added a link in my webpage to my rubistar page.
So there went Sunday.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I signed up through Google again, what a useful site!, and it is under more, photos. I uploaded my sister and laws wedding a little.
Survey Monkey
I created an account and made a survey. This was useful to see what problems kids might encounter. Knowing what they are describing as the question type is a question students will have. Then the link is created and that's pretty easy. I sent the survey to a few people so I can see how I know results. I also put the link in my website under project based learning.
Power Point
First I will say that I had my husband take the poll question from his computer and I haven't figured out where that information is yet. He found a couple errors for me that I have to fix.
I also want to go to Survey Monkey still.
So I did a powerpoint with many of the things that I hope students will include in their presentations. I see I will have to review spreadsheets to figure out what I want from them. Then I don't know how to save it the right way to make sure kids can access it from my forms and docs and need Dennis to review that with me.
I also want to go to Survey Monkey still.
So I did a powerpoint with many of the things that I hope students will include in their presentations. I see I will have to review spreadsheets to figure out what I want from them. Then I don't know how to save it the right way to make sure kids can access it from my forms and docs and need Dennis to review that with me.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Okay, that was not easy. It did not save it the first time I did it. My dates start at the end of March. I have made a 5 week unit. I could not get the background color to change. Not so fun.
I am really pleased with my idea to call the presentation at the end a Investor's Presentation. It adds a level of authenticity. Hopefully it will give students more of a reason to put their best effort in.
I am really pleased with my idea to call the presentation at the end a Investor's Presentation. It adds a level of authenticity. Hopefully it will give students more of a reason to put their best effort in.
Working with PBL website
I got through quite a bit of the personalizing. First though, I made a hotlink on this blog to the other wikisite. I had thought I had made the link in my web page. It turns out I hadn't yet saved it, but the website remembered my edit. So that was easy enough. You make the link in the Blog the same way you do on the Google website.
Then I made my short announcement, did the contact me page and About Me. That last page was a little time consuming. I had to decide what to include and what not to include. It is good to once and a while review your accomplishments.
I did the extra credit page and added a comment feature. That was under settings in "more actions". The how to sections are very helpful and easy to manage. I also did the forms and docs, reading list and links though I need to add more stuff on all of those areas.
I did the poll question. That was a bit harder to manipulate. I did a template and wasn't sure if it was applied. I found a place to edit questions but then didn't know how to get back to it. I had to totally leave it return to make sure everything had been done. Hopefully Dr. J will take the poll question so that I can see where the answers go or if I am notified.
So I am putting the harder stuff off. The calendar and ppt link will take more effort.
I got through quite a bit of the personalizing. First though, I made a hotlink on this blog to the other wikisite. I had thought I had made the link in my web page. It turns out I hadn't yet saved it, but the website remembered my edit. So that was easy enough. You make the link in the Blog the same way you do on the Google website.
Then I made my short announcement, did the contact me page and About Me. That last page was a little time consuming. I had to decide what to include and what not to include. It is good to once and a while review your accomplishments.
I did the extra credit page and added a comment feature. That was under settings in "more actions". The how to sections are very helpful and easy to manage. I also did the forms and docs, reading list and links though I need to add more stuff on all of those areas.
I did the poll question. That was a bit harder to manipulate. I did a template and wasn't sure if it was applied. I found a place to edit questions but then didn't know how to get back to it. I had to totally leave it return to make sure everything had been done. Hopefully Dr. J will take the poll question so that I can see where the answers go or if I am notified.
So I am putting the harder stuff off. The calendar and ppt link will take more effort.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Chapter 5 Project Management Strategies
This chapter is making me think about what speakers I might want to find, like a contractor or architect or builder. I am hoping a parent has one of those jobs. But even if it is how do I make this person available to all three 7th grade classes. In my old school we video taped an architect. I wonder if there is an on-line resource...
I also want to talk to our technology teacher about teaching spreadsheets on Excel so kids can do a computer generated one for the unit if they so choose.
I also already have a calendar on Edline that would work. I wonder if there is one on the Wikipage? Also I have a physical erasable calendar that can go in the room.
As far as student teams, I really liked when we allowed the students to group themselves. As I have mentioned before, in this type of project 15 years ago, some of our most resistant students were the most engaged. I do like the idea of a contract that all in the group agree to. I have to think about a firing clause.
On assessment I definitely want to take a look at rubistar.4teachers.og or
I like the idea of monkeysurvey throughout the project to see student's self assessment of where they are at. I need to ask Cindy about the exact site.
I also want to talk to our technology teacher about teaching spreadsheets on Excel so kids can do a computer generated one for the unit if they so choose.
I also already have a calendar on Edline that would work. I wonder if there is one on the Wikipage? Also I have a physical erasable calendar that can go in the room.
As far as student teams, I really liked when we allowed the students to group themselves. As I have mentioned before, in this type of project 15 years ago, some of our most resistant students were the most engaged. I do like the idea of a contract that all in the group agree to. I have to think about a firing clause.
On assessment I definitely want to take a look at rubistar.4teachers.og or
I like the idea of monkeysurvey throughout the project to see student's self assessment of where they are at. I need to ask Cindy about the exact site.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
pg 67 + 68
I think this does not go on the PBL page but the paragraph does.
Design of Project
Objectives: Students will come up with and use a system that will show expenditure in a restaurant along with profit and make some kind of spreadsheet from their system that will use negative and positive integers.
Students will design a restaurant using a scale map to figure out layout and placement of equipment and furniture. They will create scale models.
Students will use area of polygons and circles to figure out flooring. They will use surface area to figure out paint needs.
They will use volume to figure out heat/air conditioning needs.
Students will design a sign for their restaurant.
Students will create a menu with prices.
Choose a location and look at variables of this location such as climate, food choice and tourist possibilities.
Students will look at material pricing and costs.
Students will communicate with their group and the rest of their class as well as get opinions or input from community members.
Students will use technology literacy skills as well as programs to help in restaurant project creation.
21st century skills
Students will collaborate on designing a restaurant with a group. They might work with community members to choose a restaurant type. They may communicate with people on line. Students will use Google Earth to check out locations, digital photography to photograph possible setups, Google Design or some other design application like Photoshop to make a sign for their restaurant. They will show information literacy by checking prices for various materials and foods on the internet. They may use Excel to make a spreadsheet.
Student Dispositions
I will want to cultivate students attention to organization and remembering the details as well as rechecking for accuracy. I also want to encourage creativity in student thinking. I want to have students strive to create their best work that can carry over to life outside of school. I want them to reflect on the connection to their technological tools and skills to real life situations and tasks.
2. Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to use negative and positive integers in bookkeeping and temperature. Students will be able to translate scale drawings. Students will be able to deal with area and volume of geometric shapes. Students will be able to use computer resources to solve problems and tasks. Students hopefully, will be able as learners and people to ask help from people in their community and family.
3. Vehicle
Driving Question
How can you create a fabulous restaurant using math skills and enjoy doing it?
Students will be given parameters that they must include:
survey people on restaurant likes and dislikes (scope out current restaurants, graph results)
location of restaurant (include climate, type of area, possible clientele)
layout of restaurant (to scale floor plan, furniture layout)
theme of restaurant (food, style, sign design)
price the cost of building and running restaurant (materials, food, prices, spreadsheet)
price flooring, painting/decorating, heating/cooling restaurant
Students can include other aspects of restaurant building or running
4. Entree into Project
What is your favorite restaurant in town? What is your favorite restaurant anywhere you've been? Survey the class. Make a graph. Talk about why it is a favorite. What is involved in opening/running a restaurant?
Have students come up with ideas. Make sure that all the parameters we will deal with get mentioned, either by myself or others.
Talk about the driving question. Have them choose groups of 3 or 4. They will be excited about creating their own theme and restaurant.
Design of Project
Objectives: Students will come up with and use a system that will show expenditure in a restaurant along with profit and make some kind of spreadsheet from their system that will use negative and positive integers.
Students will design a restaurant using a scale map to figure out layout and placement of equipment and furniture. They will create scale models.
Students will use area of polygons and circles to figure out flooring. They will use surface area to figure out paint needs.
They will use volume to figure out heat/air conditioning needs.
Students will design a sign for their restaurant.
Students will create a menu with prices.
Choose a location and look at variables of this location such as climate, food choice and tourist possibilities.
Students will look at material pricing and costs.
Students will communicate with their group and the rest of their class as well as get opinions or input from community members.
Students will use technology literacy skills as well as programs to help in restaurant project creation.
21st century skills
Students will collaborate on designing a restaurant with a group. They might work with community members to choose a restaurant type. They may communicate with people on line. Students will use Google Earth to check out locations, digital photography to photograph possible setups, Google Design or some other design application like Photoshop to make a sign for their restaurant. They will show information literacy by checking prices for various materials and foods on the internet. They may use Excel to make a spreadsheet.
Student Dispositions
I will want to cultivate students attention to organization and remembering the details as well as rechecking for accuracy. I also want to encourage creativity in student thinking. I want to have students strive to create their best work that can carry over to life outside of school. I want them to reflect on the connection to their technological tools and skills to real life situations and tasks.
2. Evidence of Understanding
Students will be able to use negative and positive integers in bookkeeping and temperature. Students will be able to translate scale drawings. Students will be able to deal with area and volume of geometric shapes. Students will be able to use computer resources to solve problems and tasks. Students hopefully, will be able as learners and people to ask help from people in their community and family.
3. Vehicle
Driving Question
How can you create a fabulous restaurant using math skills and enjoy doing it?
Students will be given parameters that they must include:
survey people on restaurant likes and dislikes (scope out current restaurants, graph results)
location of restaurant (include climate, type of area, possible clientele)
layout of restaurant (to scale floor plan, furniture layout)
theme of restaurant (food, style, sign design)
price the cost of building and running restaurant (materials, food, prices, spreadsheet)
price flooring, painting/decorating, heating/cooling restaurant
Students can include other aspects of restaurant building or running
4. Entree into Project
What is your favorite restaurant in town? What is your favorite restaurant anywhere you've been? Survey the class. Make a graph. Talk about why it is a favorite. What is involved in opening/running a restaurant?
Have students come up with ideas. Make sure that all the parameters we will deal with get mentioned, either by myself or others.
Talk about the driving question. Have them choose groups of 3 or 4. They will be excited about creating their own theme and restaurant.
Pg 65
Some of this is from pg 57 but I've added objectives and other things. I just don't want to lose work that I edited. I have also edited the PBL site as Dr. J and I discussed.
Driving Question
How can you create a fabulous restaurant using math skills and enjoy doing it?
Design of Project
Objectives: Students will come up with and use a system that will show expenditure in a restaurant along with profit and make some kind of spreadsheet from their system that will use negative and positive integers.
Students will design a restaurant using a scale map to figure out layout and placement of equipment and furniture. They will create scale models.
Students will use area of polygons and circles to figure out flooring. They will use surface area to figure out paint needs.
They will use volume to figure out heat/air conditioning needs.
Students will design a sign for their restaurant.
Students will create a menu with prices.
Choose a location and look at variables of this location such as climate, food choice and tourist possibilities.
Students will look at material pricing and costs.
Driving Question
How can you create a fabulous restaurant using math skills and enjoy doing it?
Realistic and Real Life experience
Students will be creating their own restaurant. They will analyze what makes sense for location, materials, placement, food. The will evaluate their choices and that of other groups.
21st century skills
Students will collaborate on designing a restaurant with a group. They might work with community members to choose a restaurant type. They may communicate with people on line. Students will use Google Earth to check out locations, digital photography to photograph possible setups, Google Design or some other design application like Photoshop to make a sign for their restaurant. They will show information literacy by checking prices for various materials and foods on the internet.
Student Interests and Involvement of Community
I think students will be most engaged with the design and theme of the restaurant. I also think students will enjoy the authentic aspect of it. If we have a guest speaker or two, then students will connect this realistically to life after school.
Student Dispositions
I will want to cultivate students attention to organization and remembering the details as well as rechecking for accuracy. I also want to encourage creativity in student thinking as well as have students strive to create their best work that can carry over to life outside of school.
Driving Question
How can you create a fabulous restaurant using math skills and enjoy doing it?
Design of Project
Objectives: Students will come up with and use a system that will show expenditure in a restaurant along with profit and make some kind of spreadsheet from their system that will use negative and positive integers.
Students will design a restaurant using a scale map to figure out layout and placement of equipment and furniture. They will create scale models.
Students will use area of polygons and circles to figure out flooring. They will use surface area to figure out paint needs.
They will use volume to figure out heat/air conditioning needs.
Students will design a sign for their restaurant.
Students will create a menu with prices.
Choose a location and look at variables of this location such as climate, food choice and tourist possibilities.
Students will look at material pricing and costs.
Driving Question
How can you create a fabulous restaurant using math skills and enjoy doing it?
Interdisciplinary connections
If we do a restaurant unit, this would incorporate communication of mathematical ideas as well as communication in general, which is a language arts objective. There are science and social studies connections when dealing with the location of the restaurant and climate control of the place. Art and drafting are definite connections when kids design the floor design, furniture placement and sign design.
If we do a restaurant unit, this would incorporate communication of mathematical ideas as well as communication in general, which is a language arts objective. There are science and social studies connections when dealing with the location of the restaurant and climate control of the place. Art and drafting are definite connections when kids design the floor design, furniture placement and sign design.
Realistic and Real Life experience
Students will be creating their own restaurant. They will analyze what makes sense for location, materials, placement, food. The will evaluate their choices and that of other groups.
21st century skills
Students will collaborate on designing a restaurant with a group. They might work with community members to choose a restaurant type. They may communicate with people on line. Students will use Google Earth to check out locations, digital photography to photograph possible setups, Google Design or some other design application like Photoshop to make a sign for their restaurant. They will show information literacy by checking prices for various materials and foods on the internet.
Student Interests and Involvement of Community
I think students will be most engaged with the design and theme of the restaurant. I also think students will enjoy the authentic aspect of it. If we have a guest speaker or two, then students will connect this realistically to life after school.
Student Dispositions
I will want to cultivate students attention to organization and remembering the details as well as rechecking for accuracy. I also want to encourage creativity in student thinking as well as have students strive to create their best work that can carry over to life outside of school.
Page 57 edited and moved
Saturday night I worked on this and tried to remember where to put them. I think I was going to move them to this site.
Enduring concepts: Math Drives Modern SocietyObjectives: Students will use come up with a system that will show expenditure in a restaurant along with profit and make some kind of spreadsheet from their system that will use negative and positive integers.
Students will design a restaurant using a scale map to figure out layout and placement of equipment and furniture. They will create scale models.
Students will use area of polygons and circles to figure out flooring. They will use surface area to figure out paint needs.
They will use volume to figure out heat/air conditioning needs.
Why do they matter?In construction, architecture, art and design people need to apply proportionality, similarity, surface area and volume. Not only in business, but in home improvement people use the above skills to accomplish projects. When dealing with elevation, temperature and profit change people need an understanding of rational numbers.
Students will be creating their own restaurant. They will analyze what makes sense for location, materials, placement, food. The will evaluate their choices and that of other groups.
21st century skills
Students will collaborate on designing a restaurant with a group. They might work with community members to choose a restaurant type. They may communicate with people on line. Students will use Google Earth to check out locations, digital photography to photograph possible setups, Google Design or some other design application like Photoshop to make a sign for their restaurant. They will show information literacy by checking prices for various materials and foods on the internet.
Student Interests
I think students will be most engaged with the design and theme of the restaurant. I also think students will enjoy the authentic aspect of it. If we have a guest speaker then students will connect this realistically to life after school.
Student Dispositions
I will want to cultivate students attention to organization and remembering the details as well as rechecking for accuracy. I also want to encourage creativity in student thinking as well as have students strive to create their best work that can carry over to life outside of school.
Math: Oregon 7th GradeNumber and Operations and Algebra: Develop an understanding of operations on all rational numbers and solving linear equations.
Number and Operations, Algebra and Geometry: Develop an understanding of and apply proportionality, including similarity.
Measurement and Geometry: Develop an understanding of and use formulas to determine surface area and volume.
ISTE Technology Standards
Enduring concepts: Math Drives Modern SocietyObjectives: Students will use come up with a system that will show expenditure in a restaurant along with profit and make some kind of spreadsheet from their system that will use negative and positive integers.
Students will design a restaurant using a scale map to figure out layout and placement of equipment and furniture. They will create scale models.
Students will use area of polygons and circles to figure out flooring. They will use surface area to figure out paint needs.
They will use volume to figure out heat/air conditioning needs.
Why do they matter?In construction, architecture, art and design people need to apply proportionality, similarity, surface area and volume. Not only in business, but in home improvement people use the above skills to accomplish projects. When dealing with elevation, temperature and profit change people need an understanding of rational numbers.
Interdisciplinary connections
If we do a restaurant unit, this would incorporate communication of mathematical ideas as well as communication in general, which is a language arts objective. There are science and social studies connections when dealing with the location of the restaurant and climate control of the place. Art and drafting are definite connections when kids design the floor design, furniture placement and sign design.
If we do a restaurant unit, this would incorporate communication of mathematical ideas as well as communication in general, which is a language arts objective. There are science and social studies connections when dealing with the location of the restaurant and climate control of the place. Art and drafting are definite connections when kids design the floor design, furniture placement and sign design.
Students will be creating their own restaurant. They will analyze what makes sense for location, materials, placement, food. The will evaluate their choices and that of other groups.
21st century skills
Students will collaborate on designing a restaurant with a group. They might work with community members to choose a restaurant type. They may communicate with people on line. Students will use Google Earth to check out locations, digital photography to photograph possible setups, Google Design or some other design application like Photoshop to make a sign for their restaurant. They will show information literacy by checking prices for various materials and foods on the internet.
Student Interests
I think students will be most engaged with the design and theme of the restaurant. I also think students will enjoy the authentic aspect of it. If we have a guest speaker then students will connect this realistically to life after school.
Student Dispositions
I will want to cultivate students attention to organization and remembering the details as well as rechecking for accuracy. I also want to encourage creativity in student thinking as well as have students strive to create their best work that can carry over to life outside of school.
Math: Oregon 7th GradeNumber and Operations and Algebra: Develop an understanding of operations on all rational numbers and solving linear equations.
Number and Operations, Algebra and Geometry: Develop an understanding of and apply proportionality, including similarity.
Measurement and Geometry: Develop an understanding of and use formulas to determine surface area and volume.
ISTE Technology Standards
- Demonstrate creativity and innovation
- Communicate and collaborate
- Conduct research and use information
- Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions
- Use technology effectively and productively
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Classroom 2.0
So I signed up for Classroom 2.0 as a learning community. It made me laugh, all the links they wanted from me, which I wouldn't have had before my classes this August with Prof. Jablonski. I feel I will be very backward on this site. I want to suggest to my professor that SOU make a technology class just like what they have for beginning teachers, but advertised and directed toward us old teachers. We really need this new stuff and yet don't have time to play and discover. (I would suggest that he go a little slower and be a little more patient with my crowd). : }
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Asset Map
I completed an asset map. It is a really good activity to make you aware of all the help and possibilities you may have.
Wiki entry pg 57
I answered all the questions to page 57 on my Wiki site and it was very useful in getting me thinking about the purpose of the project in regards to my standards. ( unfortunately I had to type it twice because it erased as I tried to look at the photo on the Wiki page)
I really appreciate having the Delicious Site because I can easily navigate to the standards and cut and paste.
I really appreciate having the Delicious Site because I can easily navigate to the standards and cut and paste.
Project ideas
I did look on some of those sites but did not see something specific to math, technology and assessment. I will look further.
I talked to Dr. J about project ideas and purpose for this week. I need to complete pages 67-74 in the text. Big ideas for this week are complete project sketch and asset map as well as focus on the big ideas that I want to cover in my math class. I want to review the 3 focal points and make sure I touch on all of them.
As a project idea, we discussed a restaurant unit. I did this about 15 years ago in a class I was long term subbing in. We brought in an architect to talk about some of the factors in design. Some of the most squirrelly kids latched onto this project, worked constantly and had great final products.
So these are some of the factors that we talked about: area of restaurant, carpeting/tile, paint(surface area), scale drawings, volume of drink containers, cost of materials, cost of food, menu, sign design, storage, air-conditioning/heating in cubic feet, and people capacity.
For the technology aspect we talked about Google Earth to look at the location of a place, Google Sketch for sign design and possibly layout of the restaurant, digital camera use to take pictures of different restaurants as they scope out what they like and dislike about places.
In my own class I am thinking I want to get through the basic skills first and then use this project and others to solidfy the skills and anchor them in real life practice.
I talked to Dr. J about project ideas and purpose for this week. I need to complete pages 67-74 in the text. Big ideas for this week are complete project sketch and asset map as well as focus on the big ideas that I want to cover in my math class. I want to review the 3 focal points and make sure I touch on all of them.
As a project idea, we discussed a restaurant unit. I did this about 15 years ago in a class I was long term subbing in. We brought in an architect to talk about some of the factors in design. Some of the most squirrelly kids latched onto this project, worked constantly and had great final products.
So these are some of the factors that we talked about: area of restaurant, carpeting/tile, paint(surface area), scale drawings, volume of drink containers, cost of materials, cost of food, menu, sign design, storage, air-conditioning/heating in cubic feet, and people capacity.
For the technology aspect we talked about Google Earth to look at the location of a place, Google Sketch for sign design and possibly layout of the restaurant, digital camera use to take pictures of different restaurants as they scope out what they like and dislike about places.
In my own class I am thinking I want to get through the basic skills first and then use this project and others to solidfy the skills and anchor them in real life practice.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Reading Reinventing Project-Based Learning
In chapter 1 I focused on the thoughts that the curriculum is taught through the project and it is not a side activity. When reading about the blogs, not one seemed to have a mathematical focus. I need to go back into and browse their library of project ideas.
In my head ideas are flitting around about the kids somehow doing a project on fractions, but I want it to be something that makes sense as a real problem.
This chapter also discusses the isolation of teachers. I find our precious planning time is filled with many other things aside from planning curriculum. I do enjoy collaborating but we don't have time.
I like the idea of sharing and reflecting with other teachers. I think it would be nice if we could watch each other once in a while during our prep periods. It would work well with certain teachers, but harder with those whom I don't have trust in.
I need to try or for an online community.
In my head ideas are flitting around about the kids somehow doing a project on fractions, but I want it to be something that makes sense as a real problem.
This chapter also discusses the isolation of teachers. I find our precious planning time is filled with many other things aside from planning curriculum. I do enjoy collaborating but we don't have time.
I like the idea of sharing and reflecting with other teachers. I think it would be nice if we could watch each other once in a while during our prep periods. It would work well with certain teachers, but harder with those whom I don't have trust in.
I need to try or for an online community.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wiki page
I have created a wiki page with a link but it reminds me of the Newsletter assignment. It is harder to navigate and change the site the way I want it. I don't have the patience to fine tune it right now. But it is started.
I tried to look up online communities but had no success so far. I am thinking of asking my colleague, Cindy, at work this week.
I also met with Dr. J on Thursday to flesh out the class. That was a good session. I am set.
I tried to look up online communities but had no success so far. I am thinking of asking my colleague, Cindy, at work this week.
I also met with Dr. J on Thursday to flesh out the class. That was a good session. I am set.
Previous journal entries 9/26- Oct 15th
9/29/10 The first step for me is setting up this site on my web page.
I will then look into sites such as edutopia for descriptions of project based learning.
10/5 ESD Fall Conference at SOU 8 am to 4 pm
The theme of the conference was PBIS and RTI which involves assessment. The keynote speaker and person I watched for two sessions, Myron Dueck,
talked about ways of assessing and grading that enhanced motivation and effort. He made clear arguments for why he does what he does, and it makes sense to me.
One thing I want to include into the grading structure of my math classes are in-completes rather than zeros. Then the student has no option but to turn in the work if they wish a grade in the course. This is more of a motivation for high school but we can use it with our grade accountability sheets.
I am hoping that kids will at least look at the problems once this way.
The other thing that I will incorporate, starting today with a quiz I returned, is letting kids do make up tests and breaking the tests up into sections so kids can clearly see which section they need work on. Kids already seemed excited by this prospect. And isn't that just what I want?
I really felt I got a great deal of useful, pertinent, and timely information.
10/8 The State of Jefferson Math Conference 8 until 3:30 pm.
This was wonderful information on the new scoring guide for problem solving work samples. Grades 3-8 need to have at least one recorded problem solving work sample. New legislation allows high school students to meet their requirements either through passing the OAKS test or by passing two work samples with 4's. We discussed in detail how to score the problem solving so I feel more confident about what I am doing.
This conference really reinforced my focus on problem solving with math this year. I am glad of the Thinking About Math Course I took in June. The conference also showed me strategies for sequencing the sharing of students problems.
I will then look into sites such as edutopia for descriptions of project based learning.
10/5 ESD Fall Conference at SOU 8 am to 4 pm
The theme of the conference was PBIS and RTI which involves assessment. The keynote speaker and person I watched for two sessions, Myron Dueck,
talked about ways of assessing and grading that enhanced motivation and effort. He made clear arguments for why he does what he does, and it makes sense to me.
One thing I want to include into the grading structure of my math classes are in-completes rather than zeros. Then the student has no option but to turn in the work if they wish a grade in the course. This is more of a motivation for high school but we can use it with our grade accountability sheets.
I am hoping that kids will at least look at the problems once this way.
The other thing that I will incorporate, starting today with a quiz I returned, is letting kids do make up tests and breaking the tests up into sections so kids can clearly see which section they need work on. Kids already seemed excited by this prospect. And isn't that just what I want?
I really felt I got a great deal of useful, pertinent, and timely information.
10/8 The State of Jefferson Math Conference 8 until 3:30 pm.
This was wonderful information on the new scoring guide for problem solving work samples. Grades 3-8 need to have at least one recorded problem solving work sample. New legislation allows high school students to meet their requirements either through passing the OAKS test or by passing two work samples with 4's. We discussed in detail how to score the problem solving so I feel more confident about what I am doing.
This conference really reinforced my focus on problem solving with math this year. I am glad of the Thinking About Math Course I took in June. The conference also showed me strategies for sequencing the sharing of students problems.
Creating Blog Oct 23/10
I have never created a blog before. I played with the templates and font colors and information I want to share. I got confused thinking this is what students would look at and created it as a teacher for the class and had to change it. You can spend a lot of time on things like that. I am hoping to get to the Wiki creation today as well as linking the blog and Wiki site to my website.
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